
Sep 9, 2015

A Survey for Princess

As many of you know, Princess is going to school at UVU so that she can become an elementary school teacher. At the moment, she is also taking some dance classes so that someday she can teach at her own dance studio too. (She plans to employ all of her little sisters, so I think it's a great idea!)

Yesterday she sent me this little survey and she asked me if I could blog it for her so she can get some data for her dance class. If you have a second, could you please fill it out for her? Thanks!

If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out in Google Forms.

Healthy Habits

    What's your first name? *
    What fruits did you eat this week?
    What veggies did you eat this week?
    How many hours did you exercise this week?
    How healthy do you think you were this week?

    Super Unhealthy!
    Super Healthy!


  1. What do I put if I ate 4 different fruits and 5 different vegetables?

  2. I know! That's what I said. Just pick one. :)

  3. Aw w, I am not too healthy this week.
