
Sep 1, 2015

Picnic at Liberty Party

Sport gave my sweetie a Bees hat at his birthday party yesterday and it also came with a voucher good for two free tickets to the Bees game. Sport was excited because he missed the last game for a football scrimmage and he doesn't have practice on Wednesday. The problem was that the vouchers expire on Tuesday, so I had to go to the box office and pick up the actual tickets today.

So of course I called Bossy to see if she wanted to come along with me and Baby Doll on an outing. Her boys are enjoying their last week off track and she starts her new job on Tuesday, so she jumped at the chance to play. We decided to make a day of it and we packed a picnic lunch.

After stopping by the ballpark and redeeming our vouchers, we drove to Liberty Park. The kids didn't remember ever going there so it was all new to them. Things were pretty quiet since most kids are in school, and we parked pretty close to the splashpad.

We found a park bench and spread out our lunches. It wasn't long before the kids found the lure of the water much more exciting than chips and sandwiches. I wasn't dressed for water play, so I watched our stuff and snapped the pictures. Bossy joined the kids on the playground and in the water. I just love watching my oldest and my youngest playing together as sisters!

The afternoon passed all too quickly and it was time to be home to pick up Prima Donna from school. I think the kids knew this might be one of our last summer outings because they dragged their feet until we were almost late. How did it get to be September already?

 And how did my baby get to be so big?


  1. Oh, that looked like such a fun event. You do find amazing fun things to do. Yes, where did September go. Blessings and hugs!
