
Sep 3, 2015

Revisiting Trek

Remember in June when my cute girls went on the pioneer trek? Tonight was the final fireside at the church where we watched a video of the adventure and listened to some of the adults and youth share their experiences.

Crafty, Prima Donna, Princess, and Daylen all sang with the choir, but other than that, we were able to sit back and enjoy the meeting. Afterward we had cookies in the gym and we ran into a couple of our girl scouts so I snapped a quick pic for you. Aren't they beautiful? Just love these amazing girls!

Just a quick update on Prima Donna... you were probably wondering why she isn't in this picture. That is because yesterday the doctor told her to "Go ahead and walk!" with or without her boot. She got tired of waiting for us to visit with everyone so she just walked herself right on out to the car to wait!

She is still taking her scooter to school to get around the halls, but I suspect that will end shortly. She seems to have plenty of strength in her foot and with the boot on she can walk faster than me. I'm still trying to convince her that doing the dance audition next week for the musical is a really bad idea...


  1. praying that she gets stronger, and her foot heals.

  2. I am so happy that she is able to walk with the boot. I imagine the trek program was awesome. Hugs!
