
Aug 31, 2015

1st and 2nd Class

Sport attended Scout Camp way back in July, but they haven't had a Court of Honor since last spring, so he had lots of awards coming. It was kind of a crazy day since we had the kids coming over for dinner and the last of my sweetie's birthday celebrations (ridiculous, don't you think? who gets 3 days to celebrate?)

We had dinner at 4:30, cake and ice cream at 6:00, and Sport's Court of Honor at 7:00. He worked really hard at earning 11 merit badges, as well as his 1st Class and 2nd Class rank advancements.

We took Curly with us. He is a brand new Tiger scout and oh so proud of his blue scout shirt!

Grandpa also joined us to celebrate birthdays and awards. It was definitely a good day.


  1. He is the father of 12 kids right? He works a lot right? He has diabetes and has lost tons of weight? I say hip hip hoorah for 3 days of birthday celebrations..He could be a deadbeat dad, I see it weekly at the teen center where I volunteer they are incarcerated and have really NO DAD and sometimes NO MOM whatsoever so myself and my hubs throw ourselves into helping them to feel loved, wanted and just plain spoil them with attention..Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't! I pray nightly and daily for people who are married who are having their family to read your blog and learn what real Mothers and real Fathers should act like, if they get what you are both doing esp. your Husband, then their little ones will grow up to love the Lord and serve the Lord and be happy to be raised in a loving, God Loving home! I say he so deserved 3 days of celebrations and you too..God's Blessings always and enjoy your family each and everyday because you are a minority in our country and sadly your family dynamic is so so needed! Seems to me you are a shining example of your faith, family and I like to read your recipes tooo..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. blessings to your dear husband.

  3. Aw w, this is a great moment of time. I love all of your son's hard work in scouting. You do have children that excel. Three days of celebration is perfect for your sweetie. Loved it!
