
Aug 30, 2015

More Birthday Celebrations

I know, you were wondering who else is having a birthday this weekend, weren't you?! Actually it's my sweetie, thinking since his birthday was on Friday and his family party is on Sunday, he should get the whole weekend to celebrate.

After our football games this morning and this afternoon, we decided to go see a movie at the Towne Theater in American Fork. My sweetie looked up the schedule and they had Tomorrowland playing at 5:30, so we called Bossy to see if she and her family wanted to go. It turned out that she and Gamer were going to the temple, but we were welcome to take their kids, except for Fajita because she was going to work.

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So we loaded up the van with 12 of us and took off for American Fork. We chose that theater because it was free for us with our Pass of All Passes. When we got there, we splurged on a little popcorn since it was free to get in to see the show. Concessions always cost more than tickets!

The show was pretty weird and we had to explain it to the little kids, but just being in the theater was enough. Sorry I didn't think to take any pictures. It was super dark inside, so after they dimmed the lights, the kids could not see to eat popcorn, although that didn't stop them either.


  1. Yes, Tomorrowland is a little different. I love that you had free passes; awesome. A movie for us is a celebration. Love that you had more celebration for your hubby's birthday. Hugs~
