
Aug 29, 2015

Drag Races

Waiting for the first cars.
Today is my Sweetie's birthday and even though we aren't getting the family together until Sunday, we did do a few fun things today.

My sweetie took Baby Doll out to lunch at Firehouse Subs since I had to take Curly to the dentist for sealants. I was expecting 20 minutes and it took nearly an hour. That's because he threw up 3 times in the chair. Ewww.

It was really loud!
I did get to be the chosen one to go out for ice cream. My sweetie and I stopped by JCW and got an Almond Joy shake to share while we were out running errands. It almost made up for missing lunch.

Then we took a bunch of the kids with us to Rocky Mountain Raceway to watch the Drag Races. We had never been to them before, so this was new for us. Sport had football practice until 7:00, so we grabbed fried chicken at Smith's and ate it on the way. We only had about an hour to watch the races, but it was just about the right amount of time.

Mom makes good earplugs.
We used our Pass of All Passes, so the event was free for us (you know, my favorite price!), so I didn't mind that it was short. They had started at 3:00, so we got to see the best of the best in the final races. The cars are so cool, but they are also really loud! My sweetie was thinking and he brought the ear plugs, but there were only 3 sets, so we traded them off with the kids. Curly was content to sit on me while I held my hands over his ears.

We thought about staying a little longer to wait for the golf cart races, but they said 30 minutes to prepare the track and Curly, Sport, Taco, and Burrito all have football games tomorrow, the first one starting at 8:00 with a warm-up time of 7:15 so we headed for home.

Besides, we can only do so much celebrating in one day.

Happy Birthday, Sweetie!


  1. Except for the dentist part sounds like so much fun! Good luck with the football games today! And Happy Birthday "Sweetie"!!

  2. We've never been to the drag races, but it looks like fun! Glad you all had a great day!

  3. Hope the hygienist was kind and decent about your son throwing up, I recall one place
    you said the hygienist was none too kind I think I would have changed from that dental practice..I don't know how you keep up with your many children..Also happy birthday to your sweetie and also enjoy your family they will grow up very fast as I am sure you already realize..have a great weekend..

  4. How many kids do you still have at home? Your youngest will be 5 in the late fall correct not in kindergarten because of her late birthday..Well you & your hubs will be enjoying her years of school and all..what a wonderful mother you are and your hubs toooooo many happy returns, it sounded like you enjoyed and showed him a nice nice birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I meant to say a wonderful Mom and wonderful dad!

  6. Wishing your sweetie a Happy Birthday and I am happy that you could do some celebrating. Amazing how you sneak in some moments here and there. We haven't been to the Raceway before; that sounds fun. It sounds like you are going to be busy going to games. We have a few too.
