
Apr 4, 2015

Dyeing Eggs

Oh man, my tummy hurts!

That's what happens when you eat TOO many bunny rolls... but they just taste so good...

Wait, let me back up a bit.

You know it's Spring Break around here and all the kids were home today except for Drama Queen and Teach. They went to the UCET Conference for teachers and they loved it. Both of them are really interested in technology for teachers, in fact, Teach's MA she is working on is in that field.

This morning Princess and I went with her boyfriend to turn in his quilts for his Eagle Scout project to Primary Children's Medical Center. Then they took off for a wedding and I headed back to the house. My sweetie arrived safely from his business trip shortly afterward. I'm so happy to have him home!

The Dog Walker and I went to visit my friend for an hour and then I took Scout to the doctor for her scout camp physical. Then it was the library, the eye doctor, and another doctor's appointment for Prima Donna. We finally got home around 5:00 and scrambled to pull together the BBQ we were having for all the kids and a few extras.

Bossy boiled 20 dozen eggs while I was gone and set up the dyeing stations while my sweetie and I and an army of helpers got dinner together. We kept it casual and fun. After dinner the kids dyed their eggs in shifts and Princess and her Prince made bunny rolls for everyone. They were amazing!

There are tons of activities planned for tomorrow as well as General Conference for our church, so I'm trying to put this together so I can get some sleep.

Hope you all have a fun and happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. It appears that you had a lot of things going but still managed to have a super family activity. I love that you do all of it; because I can see that your family is close and love being together.
    Enjoy the conference moments and thanks for sharing your moments of family fun.
    Hugs for all!
