
Apr 3, 2015

Guest Blog: First Day of Spring Break by Princess

It's the first day of our spring break and what better way to celebrate than a picnic? Except, it ended up being really cold and windy. Here are just a few of the 185 pictures taken on my phone today.
Too windy, so we ate in the tunnel

oh yah know...

Crafty always looks terrified and I always look like I'm about to cry

Baby Doll being a cutie


I'm pretty sure we're actually twins

Tilt Thursday

This is our natural look

Crafty being photogenic
He thinks he's a super hero
Photo bomb?
We are such dancers
Sisters, but still best friends
Just doing the Monkey bars

I was still standing up

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had a wonderful day! Loved the pictures and thoughts!
