
Apr 5, 2015

Happy Easter!

Today was a beautiful day, although it started out a little chilly. As the Deputy Mayor of the Youth City Council, Princess was one of the people in charge of the city egg hunt. She takes her job very seriously. By 8:30 she and her Prince were setting up fields and preparing eggs. It's quite a process.

They had 7 fields separated out for various ages of kids and then the eggs were scattered everywhere. There were fewer kids this year, I think because it is General Conference weekend and the egg hunt started the same time as the first session. Thank goodness we can watch it later.

Bossy had already taken her kids to the egg hunt at Smith's, but mine had been up too late watching a movie so I let them stay in bed until it was time to leave for the park right before 9:30. We got there just in time to find a good spot. Crafty and I were with Baby Doll, so we mostly have pics of her. Bossy and Gamer were with Burrito, Dog Walker had Taco and Scout in tow, Drama Queen had Curly, and we left Bean Dip and Sport to fend for themselves.

Within 10 minutes it was over, but all of the kids came away with bags full of candy and plastic eggs, so I'm deeming it a success. We stayed for a while and helped Princess clean up and then we took everyone to Home Depot for the kids class. They built a fun planter and we still got home in time to see the 2nd half of the first session of conference.

We spent the day together, and after conference we threw together lunch. Little Sis and her family showed up for our family egg hunt. Those pics are trapped in Teach's camera, but I will put some up tomorrow. After the 2nd session of conference, we started working on dinner and then sent the guys out the door for the Priesthood Session.

While they were gone, we made baked potatoes, Malibu chicken, and scones. It was fun to sit down together and go over conference notes while we ate. We shared the story of Christ's Crucifixion for scriptures and sent the kids off to bed.

Now it's time for me to head off to bed so the Easter Bunny can stop by.

Happy Easter!

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