
Mar 9, 2015

Out Visiting

I took Scout and Baby Doll with me this afternoon to visit my dear friend, Astrid. What was I thinking when I let Baby Doll take my phone?

I don't have any games on it, so the only fun they can have is taking selfies and she has gotten really good at them. Once Scout figured out what was going on, of course she had to get in on the pics too.

What do you think of her hair? Drama Queen and the girls had a hair-dyeing party on Friday and Scout came out red! It is actually very similar to the color she had when she was a baby. That beautiful auburn hair all fell out when she was about 6 months old and came back in brown.

She likes the red and the attention she has received all weekend from it. She asked me if she can just keep it that color. Does a 9-year-old really need to be that high maintenance?


  1. The first thing I noticed was Scout's hair. I love the color! It looks so great on her!

  2. I can't believe Baby Doll (wait, doesn't she have a new name now..I forgot what it is) is that proficient at Selfies! I'm not even that good!
