
Mar 8, 2015

Spring Ring

I'm pretty sure we have talked about the fact that Princess is in the Bell Choir at her high school. It's amazing how quickly she has picked up that talent. I didn't realize that there were so many groups of bell-ringers out there until today. Their group was invited to the Spring Ring Festival at Riverton High School.

Princess left at 7:15 this morning and was gone all day. After many hours of cookie deliveries, Baby Doll and I drove out for her concert. My sweetie joined us there; he had been playing some baseball with the boys and came directly from the park. We were shocked to find that the entire gym floor was covered with tables and bells and people to ring them.

Besides our own awesome group, they were joined by high school and church groups from all over the Wasatch Front. But the most exciting part was that they also had the Mormon Tabernacle Bell Choir there and they all played together.

The groups did about 10 numbers with roughly half of them being solos by different groups. My favorite solo was the Phantom of the Opera medley and by far my favorite song was "If You Could Hie to Kolob." It gave me chills.

Princess is the cute blond on the back row right next to the Motab group. It only makes sense that they put the best together, right?

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