
Mar 10, 2015

News from Teach

Did I surprise you?

It's been a while since I have posted news specifically about Teach, probably since all of her mission letters. I'm sure you were wondering what she is up to these days. That answer is, "Lots of things."

She is working at a bank as a lender until she can get a teaching job next fall, and she is taking classes toward her MEd. She continues to drop pounds and she looks fantastic! Her newest adventure has been to post herself on Tinder and guess what?

Now she has a boyfriend!

We all think he is awesome and he seems to fit right in with the kids. He is actually like what I imagine Sport will be like when he grows up. He's very athletic and into sports. We played basketball yesterday and other than the fact that Teach likely broke her little finger (like mother, like daughter!), we had a great time.

They have been officially dating for a few days now and tonight there was even talk of a blog name for him, but we will have to keep you posted on that one.

I'm not necessarily a fan of Internet dating, but for Teach it worked out really well. Within a day or two she had dates set up with 4 different guys. (She cancelled all the other dates after she met this one.) And he seems to be exactly what his profile said he was, a nice guy who can bake... I've tried his cookies... they are tasty.

And he can sink a 3 almost every time. That's got to be worth something. :)


  1. Woohoo! Hooray for Teach! I was wondering recently what she's been up to! Hope things continue to go well for her!

  2. Yay, good for Teach!
    I just had a baby girl last month and now I'm always thinking about dating (Internet and otherwise), yikes!!
