
Feb 21, 2015

Sweethearts' Contest

If you read Princess's post from yesterday, you will know that she is a nominee for the Sweethearts' Queen at her high school. She is so excited for this opportunity and she has worked so hard! The contest itself is finally over and now it's just a waiting game. The big dance where they will announce the winners is tomorrow.

The $226 cakes.
But this post isn't really about that.

Last night Princess spent hours creating her cake for the auction today. As the President of the Cupcake Club, she felt an incredible amount of pressure to be amazing. After she finally fell into bed last night, Teach texted me and asked me how I felt about helping her buy Princess's cake. I offered $25 and she agreed to match it. Then she got this brilliant beyond brilliant plan to see if others would help.

You know, so many people love my Princess. By the time our collection was up, we had accumulated $226 to bid on her cake! So I texted a friend of hers and invited him to make the bid. He was happy to do it. My sweetie ran cash to him in the parking lot (people probably thought it was a drug deal...) and then we all waited somewhat impatiently for her cake to go on the auction block.

Her cute photo for the contest, Baby Doll & Curly.
Before they had hardly introduced her cake, he shouted "226!" There was an audible gasp from the crowd. The most expensive cake had gone for $109 in the first lunch. Some silly boy tried to bid $3 thinking that perhaps Princess's friend meant $2.26, but he was immediately shut down.

The cake was bought with love and faith in our beautiful Princess. We are all so proud of her and the amazing young woman she has become. Five years ago she would have been too shy and scared to even try out for the queen, so no matter what the outcome is at the dance tomorrow, she is definitely a winner.

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