
Feb 20, 2015

Guest Blog: Sweethearts Nominee by Princess

There's no talent portion, but look at this cool pic of me!
Last year around this time I was watching girls from my school participate in a couple crazy activities and events in hopes of winning a crown and I thought, "I want to do that!" Now if you know me, you know what I did next. I formed a plan. I was going to be a Sweethearts nominee my senior year. Here's the problem, you have to be nominated (nominees are nominated?!) and that was not looking too likely. Well, go big or go home, I started my own club. That's right, the main reason the Cupcake Club started was so I could battle 20 other girls for a flag and and a 3-hour title. 

I don't think I'll win; I don't think that was ever part of my goal. I just wanted the experience and honestly I'm really enjoying it. On Tuesday my "king" (my sweethearts' date) and I dressed up like a famous couple and were presented to the student body. We took Beauty and the Beast's Red Riding Hood Halloween costume and got the crowd laughing with my super cooperative king wearing a skirt and hood and skipping down the auditorium and me being ready to steal his basket full of a giant cupcake (that my mom made out of a lamp shade [she's the coolest ]). 
On Wednesday we had to turn in a poster that represented our club and a photo that represented this year's Sweethearts theme, "You are Always on my Mind."

At lunch on Wednesday there was a hot dog eating contest. Each hot dog a girl ate counted as 2 points but the boys only counted for 1. We had 2.5 minutes and a whole plate of hot dogs. Before we started I made a choice, even if I didn't win, I was going to come out swinging. I ate 4 hotdogs and while they truly were good (no buns, no condiments, just plain), I did not feel good after that. My date ate 7. 

Today, I made a whole bunch of cupcakes for the cake decorating/auction contest. I'm really worried about getting them there in perfect condition. Thank goodness Tupperware makes a cupcake carrier. After that, I just wait for the students to vote. So wish me luck.

P.S. My dress does still fit after 4 hotdogs, though I was quite worried.

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