
Feb 22, 2015

New Temporary Blog Name for Princess

I know you have been on pins and needles all day worrying how the Sweethearts contest came out for Princess, right?

At 8:39 she texted me this pic and nothing else!

See that tiara? Those roses? Just for today, Princess has been named the Sweethearts' Queen at Bingham High School. We are so excited for her!

Teach took all these pics before the dance at Daybreak Lake. They had a great time. I will see if we can get them to post tomorrow and give you all the great details, but it's nearly 2:00 AM now and time for bed.


  1. Congratulations to Princess and to you and your husband..What an amazing young lady she is..Wow whee, our only child is named Sara which in Hebrew means Princess...our only had blonde blonde hair still at 37 she is our princess and always will be..Your angel of a daughter Princess is such a wonderful human inside and out and what a baker she is! Whooooo Hoot for her, I can only imagine her winning lots of scholarship money for her continued college education..How proud you must feel with such a WONDERFUL AND TALENTED SWEET PRINCESS...I THINK SHE LOOKS LIKE A PRINCESS ALL THE TIME...she is wonderful to her siblings tooo and that makes her even more Princess like..nothing phony or uppity about this little angel Princess. Congratulations to Princess and more winning to come, she will be quite the college graduate soon too..GOD'S BLESSINGS ALWAYS PRINCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ciao ()X()X()X()X()X()

  2. Oh, I went on and on I meant to say also she is a faithful member of her faith LDS and lives her should feel mighty glad about that and your husband too..I like to think our children are jewels on this earth for GOD, your Princess and your other children certainly are that their faith guides them with help from their Mother and Father..Why can't others take your example Sandy and your husband and raise them to love God and serve their faith, this world will only better because of all your children but Princess is really the star today..congratulations and many of God's Continued Blessings to her and all of your children and to you and your husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I'm interested in learning more about what the contest entails! In my school people were nominated by their friends and then the school voted, but nobody had to do anything except vote! This seems like a lot more is involved!

