
Feb 16, 2015

Birthday Party for Burrito

My sweetie did an excellent job on his talk today in Sacrament Meeting. I'd share it with you, but he doesn't write talks like I do and I'm afraid his notes wouldn't make much sense to anyone.

We had a birthday party for Burrito even though he is not turning 8 until Wednesday. It was pretty low-key and very fun. We had corn dogs and french fries for dinner along with fruit and veggies. He wanted a tres leches cake, but we settled for a yellow cake with strawberries and whipped cream. Don't get me wrong, I love tres leches! That's the problem.

My sweetie and I gave him a new baseball glove even though we already paid for his basketball league for his birthday gift.

It's been a nice weekend. We got time today to just sit around a bit and enjoy each other. That doesn't happen nearly often enough around here. My sweetie went to bed early since he has to be up at 5:00 to put up the flags with the Young Men.

Not me, I'm sleeping in.

Happy Presidents' Day!

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