
Feb 16, 2015

Presidents' Day

How did you spend your Presidents' Day? My sweetie and the boys got up early and put up flags while I snoozed until about 9:00. OK, maybe it was closer to 10:00. I was pleasantly surprised to find that my sweetie (and Baby Doll) had both climbed back into bed with me. That's when we decided we didn't want to plan anything productive today.

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), the Dog Walker had different ideas.

He had already started cleaning the garage! So we ate breakfast with the kids and reluctantly dragged our feet as we made our way out to help. By 2:00 things were looking much better so we took a break for lunch before finishing up.

Oh, it's certainly not perfect! We have all of Teach's storage in there and now Drama Queen's as well. That makes it difficult to find places for all of our things. But we will manage. It certainly didn't take long before the kids were spreading their projects out everywhere...

After a short break, which included a run to Over the Top Cookies, we headed upstairs so the kids could put away their clean laundry. They were NOT happy about the thoughts of more work, but Drama Queen helped while I read to them. We finished Little House of the Prairie. Scout needed to read it before she does her Wax Museum next week. Yeah, it's exactly what it sounds like...she has to dress up like Laura Ingalls Wilder and give a report.

My sweetie cooked an amazing dinner for us while we finished up in the bedrooms. Then we had Family Home Evening and played a board game. Even though I didn't want to do anything particularly productive today, other than the fact that I'm tired right now, I'm glad we got some good things accomplished. It makes it much easier to face another long week.

It's Sweethearts' week and Princess is a nominee so she will be jumping through all sorts of hoops before they announce the queen on Saturday night at the dance. I'll keep you posted on her activities. Crafty has her first MathCounts competition on Saturday. There is also parent/teacher conferences and then the Blue and Gold Banquet to prepare for next week.

It never stops.

1 comment:

  1. Chris didn't get the day off work, so it was like any other day for us... until he came home an hour early and we went and looked at a model home because we're likely buying a house in the next year or so. So that was fun
