
Feb 15, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

 Today was a beautiful day! So sunny and warm here in Utah... it's just crazy for February. We didn't even wear jackets.

It was a down day for me even though it was pretty busy. We slept in because Sport went to Bossy's house last night so she could get him up and out the door to the Merit Badge Pow Wow this morning. So I got to sleep in until about 9:00.

Then we took the kids to the Lowe's class and they built a cute valentine picture holder. Those free classes are so nice. When we got back to the house we spent some time making valentines for friends and Baby Doll and I took something over to our sweet friend who lost her husband a couple of weeks ago. She is doing well; I admire her so much. I’m sure I’d be a total mess.

We had our last Jr. Jazz basketball game at 2:00. Scout made a basket! It was pretty exciting. We lost, but at least the girls are trying to shoot a little now. After we got all of our valentines delivered, we ran to the store and then settled in for the evening. Princess and her friend made homemade pizza for all of us. Teach just finished reading the Harry Potter series and she instigated a Harry Potter movie marathon. I think they are up to number 5 now. I’ve seen glimpses here and there, but I’m trying to stay a bit more productive this weekend.

Drama Queen finished hand-stitching all the surgery dolls for Primary Children’s Medical Center. I think she told me we had 118. I’m glad to get some of these projects all finished up. I spent the evening with my sweetie in relatively companionable silence. He was working on his talk for church tomorrow and I was trying to clean my desk and not bug him. But I think I must have a bit of the Dog Walker in me because I couldn’t resist talking to myself…

My sweetie gave me some beautiful flowers, a heart-shaped box of chocolates, and a new basketball for Valentine’s Day. What more could a girl want?!

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