
Dec 6, 2014

Last Chance to See Nutcracker

This is it! You only have one opportunity left to see The Nutcracker with my amazing children performing! For those of you here in the valley, the last show is Saturday, December 6 at Elk Ridge Middle School at 2:00.

Although it's been a hectic week supporting them during 4 performances and the tech rehearsal, it has been so fun to see them perform. I went again tonight after ticket taking for half an hour after my first basketball practice with my new little Jr. Jazz team after haircuts for 3 kids and ordering suits for the wedding for Sport and the Dog Walker... today was a rough one, but I got so much done it was all good.

We also got all the envelopes and invitations today for the wedding so I know what I will be doing on Sunday night during the Christmas Devotional. :)

My Christmas plans are starting to gel which is good since we have less than 3 weeks now. Wedding plans are also moving forward. Next week I seriously need to work on getting my kids to bed a little earlier. Maybe if they aren't starting their homework at 9:00 it will be better.

The Dog Walker has officially finished two of his classes and only has his math final and a portfolio to finish up for his English class. Princess also has one final she has to take on campus for her college classes. But this post was supposed to be about the Nutcracker, not all the other craziness rolling around in my head!

We snapped a few pics before and after, but photography is not allowed during the show. I will see if I can get the kids to give you a real post soon.

Maybe while I'm addressing wedding invitations...

1 comment:

  1. What joy it must be to watch your children perform in the Nutcracker.
    I think I had some hectic days raising children but you have taken it to a new level. You are just plain amazing. I don't know how you do it all.
    I am happy that things are coming together but I do hope you get a few minutes to pause and breath.
    You will be in my prayers and may you have many blessings over the next several weeks.
