
Dec 5, 2014

First Grade Christmas Program

You know, when I agreed to watch my friend's kids on Thursdays, I didn't think I would ever have to leave the house. But I forgot about a few little things, like the 1st grade Christmas program for Curly. They were doing the program twice, but only during the day and that meant no babysitters except me.

Then Teach happened to have today off from her job, so she offered to come with me to the program along with Baby Doll and the two boys, aged 3 and 6 months. I swear I have forgotten how to carry car seats around for long distances while toddlers run around my legs.

So I made Teach carry the car seat...

I did wrestle with the 3 and 4-year-olds though. One of the boys (I won't mention any names) decided it would be a good time to fill his diaper. By the time we reached the gym it was already crowded and I was tired. We pulled a couple of chairs off the rack and figured we would just have the kids on our laps.

Curly did a fantastic job! He sang loud and helped his class with a poem. But my favorite part was when he danced like a snowman. We had a hard time keeping the kids in their seats.Baby Doll was all over the place, but for a while she helped me with the baby.

Don't you just love that pic?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, it made me tired just visualizing this one. However, I know there was great joy in watching Curly.
    Blessings and hugs!
