
Dec 7, 2014

Guest Blogger: Insittute Choir in Temple Square by Elder Dog Walker

I've been told to guest blog about this amazing event that has happened to me and Teach, even though it wasn't part of my mission. Today, Teach and I were in the Institute of Religion Choir over at Temple Square singing Christmas carols in the North Visitors Center and the Assembly Hall. The family didn't come to see us perform in the North Visitors Center, but they did see us perform in the assembly hall. They only came for that because they went to the Ward Party before coming to Temple Square to see us perform and then see the lights all around. We enjoyed singing the Christmas songs that we rehearsed, even though that we didn't sing some of the same ones that we sung in the North Visitors Center or in the Assembly Hall.

When I was singing with the choir, in my perspective, it felt like the Holy Ghost was helping me to read the lyrics and to know how the notes should sound like. It was kind of hard to just stand on the podiums all day instead of having to sit while someone in the choir is doing a solo. Right after Teach and I were done singing with the choir, the family came to us and said we've done a good job. For the rest of the evening at Temple Square, we decided to look at the rest of the lights around before a lot of us had to split up to get back to our cars and drive home. It was fun to sing in the choir, but we didn't sing just to impress an audience, we sang just to bring the Spirit with us and the audience while they heard the songs we've sung. I hope that you've enjoyed it. :)

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy your guest blogs. I think it is so awesome that the two of you were able to sing in the choir and actually preform on Temple Square.
    Blessings for this one!
