
Dec 8, 2014

Dog Walker's Christmas Light Display

The new circuit has proven useful. We have hardly blown the power this season (except when I turn on my heater...) This is the Dog Walker's actual display, but if he is true to form he will put up more lights all the way until Christmas. He has his math final today and one more project and he will be finished with the semester. He is doing so well in math this time! I think he has finally figured out how to work the problems instead of just faking it.

Such a busy day planned and I have to be at the elementary school in 5 minutes, so this post is going to be a short one. I hope you enjoy all of his hard work. If you live close by, come by and see it for real. It's much better than the pictures.


  1. Wow so very colorful! I absolutely love it. If more is added would love to see it.

  2. Oh my goodness! I absolutely wish I could come see this in person! If he continues to add more lights make sure you post pictures!

  3. The best thing that would be added to the display is snow. I'm going to start praying for snow so that it looks a lot nicer with the snow. I hope that works for a lot of you, even if some of you hate snow most of the time. :)

  4. Oh, he does such a wonderful job on this. I think it is so fun.
    Blessings for him!
