
Dec 9, 2014

Christmas Caroling at the Care Center

A month or so ago (before The Beast got engaged...) my neighbor called me up and asked if my family would be interested in joining her family and some friends for their annual Christmas caroling. For more than 20 years they have visited a local nursing home and put on a little show.

I'm always up for service, so of course I committed us to be part of things. Then suddenly everything went crazy! But I have this thing about living up to my commitments, so at 6:45 I loaded all the kids in the van and we headed across town. They were in a fine mood and we sang Christmas carols the entire way to warm up our voices.

We really weren't sure what to expect, but our friends greeted us warmly and we along with about 25 other people put on a little show for 15 or so residents at the center. The Dog Walker and Sport each helped a resident return to their rooms as we slowly caroled up and down the halls.

Baby Doll got a lot of attention and she handled it well by shaking hands and waving although she clung tightly to my hand at the same time. One lady even took the time to direct our little choir for a moment! It was fun and the kids continued to sing all the way home. Then we joined our friends for donuts and hot chocolate.

Service truly can be fun and this one is one we won't soon forget.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is so awesome that you went to a care center. My Aunt was in an assisted living place until she passed away and she loved the holidays because groups would come in and entertain. One year my Grandchildren went out and put on a little program.
    Blessings and hugs for you all!
