
Dec 16, 2014

Guest Blog: Why I Post Selfies by Drama Queen

1. It's an opportunity to claim ownership again in a world that tells everyone that their body belongs to others so that they can critique and judge.

2. I hid from cameras since third grade because I hated proof of my appearance, but now I'm coming to accept myself.

3. To focus on what I love about me.

4. Because I understand the Instagram-like need to feel validated in all this, and I'm still vulnerable enough to ask for it.

5. I want my brothers and sisters to know that even when we are dissatisfied with our health, that we can still be happy to have an amazing physical body. 

6. I want to be able to look back as I charge ahead and see the progress I make.

7. I post selfies because I have a loving Heavenly Father that loves me for who I I want to learn to love it too.

Every day. Little steps. ‪#‎newleaf‬

 (Love this girl so much!)

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