
Dec 15, 2014


Yesterday was a busy day (any surprise there?) My sweetie is off to Boston and we also had choir practice, 3 hours of church, snowman-building, a Court of Honor for Sport, and the Choir Concert.

I couldn't take pics at the concert, but it was so awesome! I love singing and we had a song from each of the 9 wards in our stake. We sang rest hymns in between while the choirs were changing seats and Elaine Dalton was the speaker. Princess, Prima Donna, Crafty and I all sang with our choir and then everyone sang the Hallelujah Chorus from the Messiah at the end. It was so fun! Someday I'm going to really learn how to sing the Alto part of that song.

Sport received his Tenderfoot at the Court of Honor. That is his first badge in the Boy Scout program so it was pretty exciting. He is close to getting his 2nd Class, but I guess that will have to wait until the next one.

I can't believe how close we are getting to Christmas and to this wedding! I guess I'd better cut out those 9 skirts I need to make this week...

1 comment:

  1. I see another busy Sabbath day for you. I just love Christmas music; so I am sure the Choirs were wonderful.
    Way to go Sport; I love when they are busy in Scouting.
    I do hope the Skirts that you are making are not difficult.
    Continued blessings for you!
