
Dec 17, 2014

Having Fun at the Sing-Along!

This is the 3rd year in the row we have attended the Miller Sing-Along at the Energy Solutions Arena. The kids love it! And I have to admit it is one of my favorite activities too. I love singing and it seems like everyone is just all together with the common goal of raising our voices to heaven.

The entertainment this year was Lexi Walker, the 12-year-old singing sensation from Utah. She did a great job, but I preferred being one of the singers to listening to her sing.

Bossy drove us all downtown and we met up with Teach coming from work. They gave us cookies and free tickets to a Jazz game and a Bees game along with some other little perks.

I even splurged on cotton candy and kettle corn since they were only $3 each. At the end the Jazz Bear came out on his motor cycle and shot confetti and streamers in the air. Baby Doll was so excited to get one! And Sport snatched a little basketball that was tossed into the crowd.

All in all it was a fun and successful time. We missed my sweetie and Gamer, Drama Queen, Beauty and The Beast, and Bean Dip, but there is always next year.

1 comment:

  1. I was not able to attend due a sickness that suddenly left my almost incapacitated and I had to drive home with a really high fever and slept from monday night to basically wednesday morning.
