
Nov 23, 2014

Watching the Jazz

Did I tell you we signed up to play Jr. Jazz basketball again? I know, and yes, I committed to coach Scout's team BEFORE I knew about the wedding plans. Not that I'm complaining, I'm super excited about the upcoming marriage, it's just that basketball is one more thing to deal with when we are already so busy.

The games and practices start the first week of December, but we got our tickets to go see the Jazz play Saturday night. My sweetie was stuck at work and Gamer isn't really into big crowds like that, so Bossy, Teach and I took most of the kids downtown. Curly and Prima Donna had a performance tonight, so they didn't come, but we had 12 of us total.

It started to snow about 4:30 and the weather service issued a winter storm watch so we decided to ride TRAX downtown. It's rather an expensive way to go for so many of us, but at least we knew we would be safe and we didn't have to pay for parking so that helped.

I think the kids were more excited about TRAX than the game and they enjoyed the adventure both ways. We arrived at the Energy Solutions Arena about 6:45 so we had time to find our seats and get our free hot dogs and drinks before the National Anthem.

The Jazz were playing New Orleans (who names their team the Pelicans?) and for the first quarter they were pretty even. After that New Orleans jumped ahead and never looked back. The Jazz tried hard, but they aren't really gelling as a team yet and the game wasn't all that fun to watch. Baby Doll got bored quickly and during the 3rd quarter we finally convinced the Dog Walker it was OK to leave a little early.

We got back on TRAX and Bossy suggested we stop at City Creek to see the candy windows. They were amazing as usual! I snapped this beautiful pic of the kids in front of the Salt Lake Temple and then we climbed back on the extremely crowded train and made our way back home.


  1. Trailblazer tickets for the team across the river are very expensive, hot dogs run about $5.00 a piece and drinks well about $5.00 to $6.00 now Max the train is very cheap, but that is about it..You are really blessed to be able to take 12 people to a Utah Jazz basketball team and only pay for the TRAX transportation..It would cost well over let's see about $200 for what you got to go for just the TRAX expense..just saying!!!!!!!!

  2. The tickets to the Trailblazers game in the nosebleed section would run about $200. to $250. so you got to go that NBA for free in essence, hot dogs and drinks well that is another story!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Always enjoy your adventure; I love them. You are so amazing at taking your children to fun events.
    I know you will pull off all the future events; but I certainly will not know how you manage it all.
    Big blessings for you!
