
Nov 24, 2014

Scout's Birthday Party

Today was Scout's 9th birthday! We had a nice party for her with the family. In keeping with the Minnie Mouse theme from her friend party, I bought a stuffed Minnie to put on top of her cake. She loved it!

We ate lasagna and Princess's sourdough bread. Scout was super excited about her Frozen t-shirt and her new scooter! She has never really had one of her own, just hand-me-downs from the older kids. The one she got from Crafty recently broke and so the kids have not been able to ride their scooters to school. Although we woke up this morning to a couple of inches of snow so they might not be able to scoot anyway.

I'm not really excited about the change in weather. I have so many things that need to be done this week and the snow makes them harder. Teach, Beauty, and The Beast were all working on the wedding announcements today. It's all just happening so quickly.

I've been trying to stay one step ahead of the game. Sometimes that is the only way to survive and I want to enjoy this time. It's been 10 years since we've had a wedding and the whole situation is incredibly fun... and incredibly stressful.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure your birthday party was awesome for the sweet scout.
    You do have such a busy life. I will keep you in my prayers and ask for blessings for you.
