
Nov 22, 2014

Gust Blogger: Getting Ready for Christmas by Elder Dog Walker

It's been a while ever since I've got to tell you a little more about the mission. I just wanted to point out that it's been almost a whole year since I served the mission. I have a feeling that this mission is going by too fast. That's why I decided that I want to extend the mission until the end of the school year for these students.It'll be the first time for me that I'm trying to get ready for the holidays that are coming. I planned a goal for myself that would help me accomplish it. I started putting lights up for Christmas already. I thought I could finish the entire display before Thanksgiving, because Thanksgiving is on a very short time for this year. I'm hoping by the time I finish, I won't have to worry about putting the rest of it up for the rest of December. I'm still working on it, but I still need to find some time to finish before it's too late.


  1. I think you will accomplish your goal..How wonderful for you on your Mission, many will hear about your faith and your church..If only others could do what you do, what a wonderful blessing to the Lord this would be..If your decorations are anything like you did last year your home will look so nice and festive..God's continued blessings to you and your wonderful family!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The picture speaks volumes of how hard you work to get this winter Christmas display up. I loved it. I think you are so awesome to be serving a mission and expending it.
    Blessings for you Elder Dog Walker!
