
Nov 8, 2014

Reflections Medals

We got the final numbers for Reflections today. The kids always wait anxiously to hear what they have won (or not won as the case may be). The elementary-aged kids are in a much stiffer competition than the older ones.

I'll give you the run down in a minute. That's not actually what this post is about...

So Teach made a gratitude countdown chain for Thanksgiving and she wanted to hang it on a hook in the kitchen. I know this is weird, but we have been hanging the Reflections medals on the hooks (and any other medals the kids get). Well, Princess said we were prideful so naturally I started taking them all down. That's about when we realized how many medals we have accumulated over the last couple of years.

Teach dared Princess to do the Michael Phelps pose, you know, the one with all the medals. So she put them on and did a couple of pictures for you. It's kind of ridiculous, really. Most of them are Reflections medals, but some are from baseball, FCCLA, DYW, stuff like that.

Now what in the world are we going to do with them?

Reflections Totals (except for Bossy's kids, she will have to add hers to the bottom because I can't quite remember which categories they won, but it was a lot!)

Princess - Dance, Film Production, Music, 3-D Art, and Literature
Prima Donna - Dance, Film Production, Music, 3-D Art, and Photography
Crafty - Dance, Film Production, and Music
Sport - Dance and Film Production
Scout - Dance
Curly - Literature

Fajita - Dance, Film Production, Music, 3-D Art
Taco - Dance, Film Production, Music, with an Honorable mention in Literature.
Burrito - Dance, Film Production, Music, 3-D Art, Honorable mentions in Literature and Photography.

Taco and Burrito's school only offered trophies to the highest scoring entry in each age group.  They took "first place" in their four categories.

I didn't realize Bossy was going to put up Honorable Mentions.
Curly got Honorable Mentions in Visual Arts and 3-D Art.. 
Sport got an Honorable Mention in Literature.
Prima Donna got an Honorable Mention in Visual Arts.
Princess got an Honorable Mention in Photography.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is so awesome. What some wonderful accomplishments. You will need a metal case for them all.
    I am super impressed with all.
    Way to go all of you!
    Blessings and hugs for all~
