
Nov 9, 2014

Guest Blog: Still a Missionary by Teach

 There is something about being a missionary that never really leaves.

I learned on my mission how to appreciate the different beliefs of those around me, and it also taught me how to explain to others why I believe what I believe. This brings joy to my heart. I have missed this feeling terribly. Today I had that experience again.

I started my new job a few months ago and I have met some wonderful people in the process. They are always willing to help me out and answer my hundreds of questions. One of the ladies that I work with has been so sweet to me since day one. I am grateful for her help and her optimism and we have become friends.

Fast forward to today. I was at work on a Saturday when it was slow and calm. We had about a 15-minute stretch between phone calls and as I was sitting there reading my conference talks and my scriptures my friend ended her phone call and turned to me. She said, “Do you ever get mission-sick? Like home sick for the mission you went on?”

I could talk about Texas for a long time.

So I explained that yes, I loved my mission and it changed my life. She asked if I had ever considered getting a job as a missionary or working for the church. I was able to explain to her that we had a lay-ministry where we all volunteer our services and no one is paid. I mentioned a bit about the organization and doctrine of the church and how we believe in a modern-day prophet. She looked at me and said, “I can tell you genuinely believe in your faith, but why do you believe it?

A missionary dream. (:

The Lord blessed me with an opportunity today to share my testimony with a friend. To explain why I believe what I believe. I am grateful for the truth that abounds in the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the only way that we can return to Father in Heaven. I love sharing it. I explained to my friend, “It fills my body and soul with passion for truth. It brings me joy.”

This is why I was and am a missionary. It brings joy. It changes life. It is the most important thing that we can share. The gospel is real. It is the only way. (: 


  1. dear sweet teach, you are still on fire for your faith and love it and want to share it..If only other young ladies could serve a mission and get the blessings God will surely give to you..Soon you will meet the person you will be married to it always happens after missionary service is over for the men and now it is happening in our town for the young ladies who serve their mission..their lives are changed only for the best and love of God and their faith..If others could os what you have done our juvenile justice centers would be empty of course you have a wise and loving of their faith LDS parents indeed..they parented you and did not want to be just a friend, oh, my goodness sakes, Your Mother is a peach of a human being and your Dad a faithful member of LDS and a real Daddy..How wonderful you are to serve and learn of God's immense blessings and how others live in Texas..God bless you and continued love of our Lord and your faith..ciaoX()

  2. I meant to say if others could only see what you have done to serve your faith and church & how it will bless you all of your life..It would help so many young people to know and love GOD..Many blessings at Thanksgiving day and many other holidays, enjoy your wonderful family and say hi to your wonderful Mother Sandy and Your wonderful Daddy too!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Way to go girl; I loved it. Just continue to be the wonderful missionary that you are for life.
    Awesome moment and blessings to you for it!
