
Nov 7, 2014


I don't think it's a secret that I love babies! In fact, we've talked about it many times before. Well, I'm not the only one around here that loves babies. Does that surprise you? This is the look I get from Teach and Princess (and Crafty) every time we have a baby around here.

So last week my friend needed a sitter and Baby Doll and I were just spending the day at home so we offered to watch her two boys, one is 3 and the other is about 6 months. They were good boys and didn't give us any trouble. In six or seven hours the baby didn't cry even once!

But something bothered me. It was the first time I really understood that Baby Doll knows almost nothing about real babies. I know, I know, SOMEBODY has to be the youngest... Things I took for granted, like changing diapers, burping, feeding, she was extremely interested in everything and totally clueless.

I thought about it all day. Then I sent my friend a text and offered to watch her boys one day a week. It was a little scary confessing to my sweetie that I had just complicated my life, but after today, I'm thinking maybe I actually simplified my life. It was so nice to remember the things that are important, like teaching my children family values...

...and I sure loved snuggling a little one again, even if he isn't really mine.


  1. What fun things to teach Baby Doll! I bet your friend will really appreciate the help,too!

  2. Oh you so amaze me. I love this one. I don't know how you take on one more thing; but I do understand why. It will be great teaching moments for your lovely little Baby Doll.
    Blessings for this one!

  3. Baby doll will know about all the things she missed being the youngest but will learn them now..Who doesn't love to hold and cuddle and take care of a tiny little angel of a baby and a 3 year old is sweet too..How nice of you to offer and help out this mother and friend, your a peach of a human being..God's Blessings to you!!CiaoX()
