
Nov 6, 2014

Peter Pan at Bingham High School

Pretty sure we've talked about this before, but I wanted to share with you all the info on the awesome musical the kids are doing at the high school just in case you want to attend. From what Prima Donna says, you won't be disappointed!

I have to admit I was nervous about letting Curly try out for the musical. He really wanted to be Michael Darling, but more than anything, he wanted to "fly." That's right, fly! The main characters are actually being wired up to fly. Sadly, Curly was not chosen to be a lead, but he was asked to be a Lost Boy. That didn't surprise me since he is only 6 and they wanted the boys to be at least 8 years old.

He has LOVED being part of the production! And other than the fact that he has had to miss a few dance classes here and there, it has turned out to be a wonderful experience for him with very little hassle. Most of the time Prima Donna is with him so I know he is safe and behaving.

Doesn't he look cute in his show hoodie?!

So come and see him and Prima Donna. She is a nasty pirate.


  1. Oh this looks so fun and I have grandchildren visiting then; so we will try and go to this. Your little one is just adorable.
    Blessings for all!
