
Sep 6, 2014

Stake Fiesta

Our church stake (which includes 9 wards and 1 branch, so roughly about 3000 people), had a huge fiesta tonight! It was held at the field behind our stake center and the kids thought it was awesome!

Just a guess on my part, but I'm thinking there were about 600 - 700 people there and we all had dinner and the kids played games at the various booths. The three-legged race was a favorite!

Then they had some amazing dancers from the Hispanic Alliance. It was so much fun! I spent tons of time spreading the word about our volleyball games that start this week. Teach took a bunch of pictures and though I tried to convince her to write a post for you, she decided it was easier to show you than to tell you.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend too!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that a great stake activity. We have a good one each year; but I think yours looks like a really great one. Loved all the fun pictures!
    Blessings for all~
