
Sep 5, 2014

The Cupcake Club

You know I'm not happy if we don't have 9000 things going on at any given time. So today was Club Rush day at the high school. Princess and Prima Donna are both FCCLA officers, so they were expected to help with that booth, but Princess also had another responsibility. She is the president of her very own club, the Cupcake Club.

She had this brilliant idea last spring when the school was forming new clubs, so she did her due diligence and found 11 people to sign a roster and commit to the club. She wrote a club charter and found a faculty sponsor and the Cupcake Club was born.

Then she heard nothing.

Finally, about a week or so ago, we contacted the vice-principal over clubs to see if she actually had a club or if it was all just a waste of time. After furiously exchanging emails over a period of several days, her club became a reality. Apparently it was always a reality, we just didn't know it.

She spent many hours after school yesterday preparing her materials and giveaways for her booth. We printed 100 signup fliers and they weren't enough. Her booth was very popular since she had about 250 mini cupcakes to give away.

Now all she needs is members...

...oh, and a float for the Homecoming Parade.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this was such a cute post. I would have loved her booth; since I love cupcakes. I think she will easily get members. How do you do it all; just amazing.
    Blessings for the smiles on this one~
