
Sep 7, 2014

Canning Season

I'd like to tell you I'm writing you a nice long newsy post today, but it's 2:30 AM and I'm pretty exhausted. I won't get too particular about all the stuff we did today, but Princess is helping make a candy windows project for Christmas. Prima Donna got into the musical at the high school and had her first rehearsal this morning, We made our way to Home Depot to build bird houses this morning and then we went to Sport's football game. They won 32 - 6! After that it was lunch and delivering fliers and mailing letters and grocery shopping. Then I cleaned up my food storage area and put away all my caselot purchases. Made dinner and showered for Stake Conference where my sweetie teased me about falling asleep during the first speaker. (I stayed awake after that.)

We got home after 9:00 and I helped the Dog Walker check and post 3 homework assignments and Bossy showed up with beans and tomatoes. Beans are done...

Been cooking the tomatoes down for several hours now and they need several more so they will have to wait while we both get a little rest. Oh and while I was busy paying my bills, Bossy stirred sauce, watched the canner, and made pear butter...

She's an awful lot like me.


  1. How in the world do you have energy for all of that? Well, maybe you don't since you fell asleep for a second. ;)

  2. You make and can yummy foods for your family, controlling the salt and sugar contents, yummmeee.. I end up buying del monte and sometimes I can some salsa and some matoes as I call them..It is a lot of work, just me and the hubs but they taste so much better than what one can purchase and last us through our tough winters, this year it is suppose to be a polar vortes, so I am anxious to use my new in 40 years slow cooker for soups and chilis and other things I can use it for with wild abandon...Ciao and have a more restful rest of the week! Bossy sounds like a real living princess in my book! how wonderful your children help with the canning and preserving and cooking..they will know how to keep a stocked pantry for their families and eat well, ciao!

  3. I am totally exhausted just reading this one. How do you do it all?????
    Blessings for all you do~
