
Jun 11, 2014

Letters from Teach in Texas

The Dog Walker informed me that Teach has less than 11 weeks before she will be home from her mission. I'm not really sure she is happy about that. She loves serving! I will let her share with you.

Hey y'all, (: I had a fabulous birthday! (: This week went so fast, but it seems like my birthday was AGES ago. Yet, here are some pictures for y'all so  you can be a part of my b-day.
We went to Firehouse Subs for lunch. I love sandwiches so it makes sense right?
We also went to Bahama Bucks - aka shaved ice with Blue Bell ice cream on the bottom. I got a smoothie this time though. It had coconut. (: Yummm. (:
I think that is all the email will let me send picture wise. But y'all should know we have had a fabulous week. We set a baptism date with one of the coolest investigators ever! She is 20 years old. She is a caregiver to an old couple in our ward and she is SO excited to be baptized. We are working to fellowship her into the YSA. We had YSA reps come to one of her lessons, and I'm not gonna lie... I'm pretty excited to go back to the YSA when I get home. They are pretty stinkin' fun. (: But yes.  June 21. Save the date because we will be dressed in WHITE!!! (:
Also, We had dinner at the fanciest house ever. Like. They have a guard outside their house that asks to see your ID before you can go in. It was intense.  But the members are super sweet! They are the fellowship for a family we are teaching and we were able to have them over for dinner with us. It's interesting because the investigators live in a trailer- I think it was probably a little bit of culture shock for them. It was pretty intense for me!  but fun. an experience to be remembered for sure. 
We decided to go tracting (door to door knocking) for the first time since I've been in this area... the second door we knocked we got a return appointment and upon our return we made contact with a TON of people. Including a group of Jehovah's Witnesses. There are so many wonderful souls in this world.
I am so glad to know that the fulness of the Lord's church has been restored upon the earth. I know that the authority to be baptized has been restored and we can receive of the fulness of joy - even eternal life as we follow the example of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I have a new found love for the Bible. I am so grateful for the teachings of the Lord found in the Bible. Ahhwhh... I love being a missionary.


  1. Sandy hope you feel better and are not itching and red all over?!!!!!!!!!!! Your sweet daughter is on fire for the Lord and her faith..She will be doubly blessed and so will you and your hubs and entire family..Not many young women would do what she is doing, I know I live in a LDS neighborhood and many just go to college and work and no Mission at all even the young men, I don't understand their lives will only be wonderful, God will give them many spiritual and wonderful gifts of knowledge, but young people think differently than your sweet angel..take good care of yourself, 11 weeks will zoom right on bye and she will be back in your arms soon.ciaoXXX()()()()
