
Jun 10, 2014

Countryfest Part 2

I'm sorry to leave you hanging. I've been so tired lately and I have a couple of reason for that. First I've managed to get myself a heat rash on my neck and chest. It itches something awful and I've mostly scratched myself into a mess. Between that and the little red welts, it's hard to sleep even when I do go to bed.

The second thing that happened was that my stupid smoke alarms keep going off. When the first one went off this morning about 8:30, I had just dozed off after getting the kids out the door for school. Suddenly the alarms pierced their way through my entire house. I was terrified for almost a full minute until they suddenly stopped. Then it took about 5 minutes for my hands to stop shaking.

The Dog Walker checked the house for me and deemed us safe. My heart rate had finally slowed when they started up again. This kept happening off and on all day and by the time we left for Sport's play at the school, my nerves were totally frazzled.

So back to Saturday...

Favorite balloon animal, a penguin!
After Curly was totally triumphant at the Pinewood Derby, we wandered the booths for a few minutes and then I left to pick up Scout from the birthday party. When we returned, the party was still in full swing. The kids made some crafts and they won about a hundred bouncy balls and eye poppers. They rode a little train that was free (my favorite price), and a nice older gentleman made some balloon animals for them (again, my favorite price!). At some point, Gamer arrived with an armful of pizzas and fresh drinks.

After we were sufficiently filled, we set up camp near the Draft Horse Pulls. I have never see them before even though they have been on my sweetie's bucket list for a long time. It was fun to watch those big, beautiful horses pull a weighted sled. (Sorry, I didn't even think to take a pic.)

After an hour or so it was time to head back to the stage for the concert. The band was an Eagles knock-off group and they were so good! I grew up on the Eagles. It was one of my brother's favorite groups, so I pretty much knew all the words to every song.

The kids danced and sang and played Yahtzee. We ate kettle corn and cinnamon almonds. But mostly we just enjoyed our time together. The concert ended at 10:00 and the fireworks began with the final note. Baby Doll and Curly snuggled in my lap as we sang as loudly as we could to Neil Diamond's "Coming to America."

We have never spent the entire day at Countryfest before, but I'm thinking just maybe, we started a new tradition.

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