
Jun 12, 2014

Blast from the Past: Back to School Pics (2006)

Dog Walker
Drama Queen
We have a tradition that every year we take the kids' pictures on the first day of school. The pics are always the last thing they do before they head off, so we take them by the front door. When I was searching through, I happened to find these.

In 2006, Drama Queen would have just been starting her senior year in high school.

Teach was a Sophomore.

The Dog Walker was 12 years old and in the 7th grade.

Prima Donna
Princess was in the 4th grade and Prima Donna was in 3rd.

I'm sad to say that Crafty would have been in kindergarten and I can't seem to find a picture of her by the door. They start kindergarten about a week later than the rest of the elementary-aged kids. I can't believe I would have missed that one!

Crafty from that same week
Love the fun pic of Princess
Now I want to show you the bloopers. My kids are so goofy sometimes, and in 7th grade, this was typical Dog Walker. Both pics were taken before we finally got the one I showed you above.

Smile for the camera, Dog Walker!

Let's try again...

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