
Jun 13, 2014

Last Day of Kindergarten

Today was Curly's last day of kindergarten. I was thinking how happy I would be to be done with dropping him off every day at lunch time.

In Utah, kindergarten is typically half a day which is a hassle. It's much easier to just send all the kids together and then let them come home together. And honestly, I have done kindergarten 3 years in a row because Scout had her turn two years ago and then I took care of Taco and Burrito all last year which meant driving Burrito every day.

But I digress...

So in honor of our last day, Curly and I walked to school. He had an awards program and I wanted to be there. The first thing his teacher did was play a little slide show she had put together from the beginning of the year. I was surprised how much he had grown!

Now maybe I'm just pre-menopausal, but for a minute I was actually SAD that he was leaving kindergarten. There was definitely a part of me that wanted him to stay little for a while longer. Now that he is officially a 1st grader, Baby Doll is my only preschooler.

He stood so big and tall as he received one of only two Golden Sneaker awards in his class and then again when he received the Soaring Leader award.

Sport and Scout will be out of school tomorrow. Then it will be official.

Summer vacation!


  1. Your little ones are really adorable and baby doll is a cuttee pie, soon your daughter Teach will be home in your arms and your hubs too..Hip Hip Hoorah!!!!!!!!!! Time flies for wee ones, you are so fortunate to be able to be home and help out all your kids and grandchildren it is denied to many many Mothers, more important is work for Food, here many are hungry after their Mothers and Fathers work long and hard and don't get much, they are forced to choose between 4.19 a gallon of gasoline and food, you are most blessed!
