
Jun 15, 2014

Closing Ceremonies

I thought baseball was over. Really I did. We had Sport's team party scheduled for last night after we finished the season near the bottom of the league. Curly's coach has even gone AWOL. (I think he's actually on vacation.), but things are definitely wrapping up.

So we had a nice picnic at the practice field. Sport's coach grilled hot dogs and Princess made dozens of cupcakes. That same day they put out the bracketing for the tournament. All minor league teams had been included, even ours! Even though we had our team party and we handed out trophies and pictures and medals at the park today... Sport, Burrito, and Curly, were all chosen as All-Stars for their teams!...

Baseball is not over.

But it's more complicated than that. Sport has a birthday party scheduled for Friday, and we have passed out more than 20 invitations to his school friends who are now out of school. After looking at the bracketing, it's almost impossible for us to not have a game on Friday night. And it's impossible to cancel the party, so even if they play, Sport will have to miss the game.

Life is full of difficult things. Sometimes we can fix them and sometimes we just can't.

And those are the ones that give me stress.


  1. You can always schedule the party earlier that day so he could go to both!

  2. One can't be in both places at the same time, perhaps you can have the party the day after the baseball game? it is a suggestion or have it earlier in the day before the baseball game, not an unpleasant proposition? anyways have a happy birthday for your son and a wonderful baseball game toooo!

  3. So here's the problem, we already gave out invitations. He invited every boy in his class and his neighborhood friends before school was out last week. I don't have contact info on those boys so there is no way to change the time or the date. I would love to be able to do that, but it is just not possible. The only thing we could do is put a CANCELLED sign on the door, but that is social suicide. No, he will just have to miss the game.
