
Jun 16, 2014

Happy Fathers' Day

We had a big party here for my dad today. My sweetie graciously agreed to celebrate Fathers' Day last Sunday for himself so we could get everyone together. We served 34 people BBQ chicken and hot dogs. It was fun and actually pretty relaxing as far as big parties go.

Sport on the mound
So many things are going on in my life right now, I could write several posts a day. As it is, I'm barely able to put together one. Prima Donna's Gold Award project starts tomorrow and we are taking Scout to Girl Scout Camp in the morning. And you already heard about the unplanned baseball tournament and Sport's birthday party. And last night was the big dance recital. When I have time to download the pics, I will share that with you too.

Our amazing neighbor, Steve James, and his son, Adam, are helping Prima Donna with the music for her Gold project. We were at their home until after midnight recording preliminary songs so they could make them amazing. Steve is kindly donating his time which is really worth big money to help her be successful. Such good people.

Then I had to mostly repack Scout's bags for camp tomorrow. She didn't even check the sizes of the stuff she put in there. A bunch of the clothes weren't even hers! Then I wrote her 5 letters, one for each day of camp. Have you ever done that? It's so hard predicting what might happen during the week...

I wrote my letter to Teach and now I'm trying to make all sorts of lame excuses for not writing you a decent post tonight. Hopefully things will settle down a bit tomorrow.

A girl can hope, can't she?

1 comment:

  1. Sandy give yourself a break, you have a large family, fathers day and your son's birthday and baseball games, I don't know how you do it but you do..Teach coming home soon, one child in camp for 5 days, oh and the recording for your daughter..Wow whee give yourself a break won't you please?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The bbq and hot dog dinner for 34 was enough to make my head spin, I took my hubs to a place that makes old fashioned meals open for only brunch, it was wonderful then they closed up for their fathers day celebration they had 18 children and one of them went to school with my only child all thru their public school years! It was wonderful to sit and eat at a lovely loge and visit with their entire family totaling nearly a 100 family members..The family cooked for 3 days for the brunch and when it time to leave they shut the place up in a NEW YORK MINUTE and retreated to a cabin near a lake, oh, my doodness sakes..My hubs and I enjoyed visiting and took a hike for many miles around the lake and hills..I did not cook one thing..enjoy your time with your small ones they are growing up fast and you will not regret being with them..but just take good care of your self too!
