
Apr 13, 2014

Collecting Bags

Pretty sure I've told you before that Princess and Prima Donna are part of the Youth City Council in our city. This is the first year for them and they have really enjoyed and embraced the opportunity. They have meetings twice a month with motivational speakers and usually a couple of chances to do service projects.

They try to be involved as much as possible. So this past month they announced a service project for St. Andrew's Food Pantry. St. Andrews wanted as many plastic and paper grocery bags as possible! After they learned about this activity, the girls and I decided this was a project that they could really do well.

First thing we did was announce it through our Relief Society Newsletter. Then on Friday evening we delivered reminder fliers to 125 homes of our nearest and dearest friends in our ward.

On Saturday morning we had other commitments to attend to before we could start gathering bags. Scout had her first softball game. Her team lost 1 - 4, but she played an excellent game mostly at shortstop. Then we made super-cute recycling trucks at Lowe's. Finally it was time to hit the streets.

Bossy's family had joined us at Lowe's and they helped us spread out and cover the area. We were mostly in pairs, with an adult in each neighborhood. In less than an hour we had totally filled the back of the minivan with I'm sure well over 1000 bags. My sweetie made lunch for everyone and we dropped off all the kids at the house before Princess, Prima Donna, and I drove the short distance to their leader's home to deliver the bags.

She was SOO surprised to see so many! I snapped a quick pic before we unloaded. The funny thing is that we missed some people this morning during our pickup and have had them call, so we are making a second trip. If any of you live close by and want to donate bags, let me know. My girls will be right over. :)