
Apr 14, 2014

A Day of Rest

I had an awesome Sunday. No, we didn't have a big family party or even a big meal. It was just a nice restful day and believe me, I needed one. Sometimes my life just feels like a crazy whirlwind where I can't ever seem to get my feet on solid ground. Today I felt like I got a minute to breathe before I get swept up again. I like life both ways, but today was really nice for a change.

The day started earlier than I wanted it to when I rolled out of bed at 8:15 to get a shower before choir practice. I know, 8:15 isn't that early, but I was up until nearly 3:00 AM the night before. We got back from choir at 10:00 and instead of writing Scout's talk for Primary, I decided to go back to bed for a while. It was probably a bad idea, but I mostly rested until about 11:30. Since it was Fast Sunday it was nice to not have to worry about putting together lunch.

I wrote Scout's talk and checked my lesson for Nursery. All was in good order. When we got to church, Prima Donna, Scout, Sport, and Curly all bore their testimonies and Scout did an excellent job on her talk. Baby Doll said the prayer in front of the whole Jr. Primary (with my help), but it stressed her so much that when she was finished she totally broke down and I had to take her with me to the Nursery for half an hour while she calmed back down.

After church we fed the kids hot dogs. We cleaned up and then we all just chilled for an hour or so. The kids were playing a game, so my sweetie and I watched some fun old songs on YouTube. Remember "Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head"? We had never done that before, but it was super fun. It sure brings back childhood memories!

After that we had a movie party and folded laundry. We rarely watch TV, but when we want a movie, we love KBYU-TV for Sunday evenings. They play the fun older Disney movies. Remember the Shaggy DA? The kids had never seen it before and they loved it!

We ate grilled cheese sandwiches and homemade ham and bean soup (leftover from Friday night) for dinner. Cleanup was easy and the kids played games until bedtime while I helped the Dog Walker with some homework. Other than the fact that I have a bunch of laundry to put away, things are good.

And I actually feel ready to face a new week.
How was your weekend?


  1. Glad you enjoyed your restful weekend.

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful Sunday! The weather has been so nice here lately so after church, I grabbed a book and headed outside. Spent a couple hours sitting in the warm sun.

  3. My Saturday was very full and a bit stressful with a car breakdown while visiting my parents. I was very grateful for a nice long nap on Sunday afternoon. I'm glad you had a restful Sunday too!
