
Apr 12, 2014

Another Patent

Have I ever told you how awesomely cool my sweetie is? He's an electronics engineer, inventor, Renaissance man. He actually holds a bunch of patents, 12 to be exact. This week we hung up another new one.

I think it's amazing that he can think up new things that no one has ever done before. I've never been all that creative. OK, maybe when it comes to writing, but other than that, my brain just doesn't work that way.

This is a picture of our wall of fame. It includes my sweetie's patent plaques, but it also has all the diplomas from colleges. Right now most of them belong to me and my sweetie, but someday I hope to have the whole wall covered with diplomas from the kids. Teach, Drama Queen, and Bossy all have two because they graduated from a Jr. College first and then finished BS degrees at universities. Gym Rat has one, but I am looking forward to seeing his BS diploma in the next couple of months. And by Christmas, the Dog Walker should have his first one up there. And a year from now there will be one up there for Princess.

I'm a fan of Jr. Colleges. They are much cheaper and the classes are smaller. They give the same type of education and as long as the kids finish that AS degree it seems to transfer pretty much anywhere.

We have two other plaques on this wall of fame. One is Teach's Sterling Scholar plaque. Sterling Scholar is a huge deal here in Utah. She is our only child so far who has actually been chosen to represent the high school, but Drama Queen and Bossy were both finalists.

The last plaque belongs to the Dog Walker. It reminds all of us that he was chosen as the Scout of the Year for the State of Utah by the Veterans of the Foreign Wars. I don't think anyone else will ever aspire to such an amazing honor. And no one, not even those of us who earned all those college degrees, worked any harder than he did.


  1. Wow, Scout of the Year. Pretty impressive! You have an amazing family!

  2. Your husband and yourself and your children need congratulations they all are educated and strive for more education..It is neat your husband had so many patents and that your family gets their educations via junior colleges and while in high school no less on the running start programs offered..I think it is especially wonderful your son dog walker is the scout of the year and soon a college degree too..Not many people seem to value education anymore and try getting a good job that could support a family without any higher education, one cannot..Congrats to your entire family, I will hold them in my prayers and I think your family shows what a true loving family can be love of God, their familia and also striving for excellence, it bodes well for you and your husband, what a lovely lovely family, Happy Passover this next week, then Easter and soon Mother's day and Father's day ciaoX()
