
Mar 12, 2014


No, I haven't fallen off the planet! Didn't Baby Doll (and Dog Walker) do a cute job with that post yesterday? :)

The surgery went well even though they weren't able to avoid making an incision. So somewhere beneath all these lovely wrappings, I've got some stitches. I was scheduled to arrive at the hospital at 12:10, which was a real blessing because that meant I could still have my morning e-chat with Teach. She is doing well in her new area, but I will update you more on her in the next day or two.

It was just before 12:00 when we checked in at the surgical desk. The rushed us right back and within minutes they were inserting the IV and covering my hair with my cute little party hat. Apparently my doctor was running ahead of schedule! How often does that happen?! I didn't even think to ask my sweetie to take a picture!

The surgery itself was over before I knew it although I did wake up at one point and I asked them to put me back to sleep! I wasn't at all interested in knowing exactly what was going on. :)  When I awoke again in the recovery room, my sweetie was just coming in. From the look on his face, I could tell that everything must have gone well. My hand was totally numb and I was feeling a little loopy, but good. After about 45 minutes or so, they pulled out the IV and agreed that I could go. The doctor presented me with these lovely pics so I could show the kids just exactly where they put the wires into my finger. Next week he will take that bandage off and they will actually be able to see them poking out the end!

Monday afternoon and evening were fine. I had a few minutes where I thought I was going to be physically ill, but that quickly passed. It was about 3:00 AM when my hand finally decided to wake up and then I was in a huge amount of throbbing pain. Thankfully they had stocked me up with a few painkillers and they helped me get through the rest of the night although I did keep waking up. Something about sleeping with an ice pack that is super uncomfortable...

My Relief Society president brought me this cute card today. She is so clever. And even though Princess and I are on a sugar-challenge until Easter, Princess thought I better hurry and eat up that candy bar.

It's difficult to accomplish anything when I have to keep my finger completely dry and elevated/on ice. Hopefully tomorrow I can justify a little more time on the computer. I have so many things to do!

And I was right.

I need my hands for almost everything.                                                                                                                                                                


  1. Wow! That's cool. Your RSP is pretty funny, I love that card! I can't imagine what it's like to keep your finger dry and elevated, but at least you've got lots of helpers at home!

  2. My dear, I think you are being instructed to just take care of yourself for a few days. Let others serve you. You do need a rest from your labors.
    The card is adorable. Promise you will take it a little bit easy..
    Prayers and blessings sent your way.

  3. Glad you are home, praying for you.

  4. Praying for a quick recovery, take good care of yourself sweet Sandy, your daughter Teach we bet is doing very well, praise to God you will be healed soon, ciaoX()
