
Mar 13, 2014

Teach's Letters from Texas

I told you yesterday that Teach was just transferred to a new area and although she struggled with the idea at first, now she seems quite happy to be there. I was super excited to get some pictures from her, even though the very first one is of an injury. At least it's nothing too serious.

I fell off of a porch on Saturday (I literally went head over heels) and I skinned my knee all up. So... exercising is kinda painful lately. But I have found a way to do my pushups each day still!!! (: 

She gave us some interesting facts about her new area, including her awesomely cool Relief Society President.

It is a planned community and all of our ward live within about an 8-mile radius. Which is awesome. First impression? I hate to say but the first thing I thought was that all of these people are trying too hard. It is kinda the poster idea for green jello and centerpieces. But... It isn't true. These people are lovely (: They are trying because they love the Lord and their hearts are totally in the right place. They are all different too. I met the RS Pres last night and she owns a shooting range! Their whole family are avid hunters. Her husband is one of the top shooters in the world! They just got back from India where he placed 6th! Crazy! She's also was a personal trainer and she is a Mormon! (: SO cool. 

Sister Loveland and Teach
Teach's new companion sounds like just the kind of person she needs right now. With Sister Loveland's health issues, she didn't get a chance to work as hard as she wanted to, so this is a good change.

I'm the senior companion and the driver ( so I'm getting to know the area). Sister Gunson is 20 years old and she's been out since May (so just a transfer after me). She does theater and has a larger than life personality all squeezed into her tiny frame! She's a health nut which is turning out wonderfully for me (she doesn't judge, just leads by example). She struggles with the fact that she's been a junior companion for over half of her mission but she takes it all in stride. She is a great teacher and wants to be a teacher when she grows up. 
Teach, Florence, and Sister Loveland
It looks like Teach might come back home only to leave again. In her last area she met a woman named Florence...

As for Camaroon. Florence is going to be baptized in the near future. I don't know when, but she will. She is the benefactor of over 250 students at a school she runs back in Africa. When we were talking to her she said that we need to take the gospel to them. They need to build a church and these children (and their parents) will soak in the truths that we have shared with her. As she was telling us these things the Spirit bore deep powerful testimony to my heart that I need and want to be involved in this. I asked her if I could help after my mission and she said yes! (: she's going back to visit in June, but she will also go back another time. (: (: This is real stuff. 
I guess once a missionary, always a missionary, but Camaroon is much further away than Texas...



  1. God's Blessings to you as you recover and to your beautiful daughter TEACH on her mission..I read each day and pray for you and your daughter to complete her mission and return renewed and still on fire for your faith and her life of faith..God will reward her a lot, she will soon meet her forever husband of your faith she will and many other blessings.ciao

  2. I loved following your missionary. I am so impressed with her. It's always interesting to read about their new experiences each week. This young people are so prepared for their mission. I have a grandson going into the MTC this week. I am so excited for him. He is our first grandchild to go on a mission.
    Blessings and hugs!
