
Mar 11, 2014

Guest Blogger: Just Dance By Baby Doll

My name is Baby Doll! I enjoy playing Just Dance with my brother Dog Walker who's a Church Service missionary in seminaries! 
I love Just Dance 2014. 
It has my favorite song by Katy Perry called "ROAR!"

I like "ROAR" because I love to "ROAR!" like a lion!

Katy Perry is awesome with the song "ROAR!" Just Dance is so much fun.

However, the Wii isn't working very well right now and I miss it.

I hope that Daddy will fix it soon so I can play more "ROAR!"


  1. Roar, I love that song too. Nice post.

  2. She looks like she's having fun. Hope the Wii does get fixed.

  3. How are you doing Sandy and your finger????? Take it nice and easy, let your wonderful children and hubs pamper you a lot..praying for a quick recovery, but let the familia spoil you lots! Baby doll is just the cutest baby doll, let her enjoy the video's and let her roar, what a dolly, God's blessings Sandy, let the good Lord heal you and enjoy your pampering too!X()

  4. How are you doing Sandy and your finger????? Take it nice and easy, let your wonderful children and hubs pamper you a lot..praying for a quick recovery, but let the familia spoil you lots! Baby doll is just the cutest baby doll, let her enjoy the video's and let her roar, what a dolly, God's blessings Sandy, let the good Lord heal you and enjoy your pampering too!X()

  5. That little one is such sweetheart and I loved the thoughts and the precious pictures. Hopefully, she can roar again.
    I loved this post!
    Blessings for this one!
