
Sep 2, 2013

The Dance Schedule

What happened to August?? I don't know about you, but I'm not sure I'm ready for fall to be here already. When I ripped off my calendar today I realized that my September dates are already mostly filled in with football, dance classes, church and scout activities. My life is pretty much totally all planned out for me and the month has barely started.

One thing I am excited about though, is Baby Doll's ballet class. I know, I can't believe it either, but she will be 3 in a few weeks and she is so excited to learn to dance like all of her siblings! Her first class is on Wednesday. I will try to sneak a few pictures for you so you can see how cute she is in her little leotard...

Curly is going to take two classes this year. He loves his creative ballet class, but he has always been a bit jealous about the amount of noise those kids could make with their tap shoes, so this year we are going to let him find out. Scout has her same jazz class, but she has finally graduated into the big girl ballet classes. She is officially in Level 1. She is so excited to be able to audition for the Nutcracker this year too. It will be her first opportunity and I think she is hoping to be a party girl, but I'm pretty sure she will be happy just to be part of the production.

Crafty and Prima Donna are both in Jazz Company 1 and Prima Donna moved up to Ballet Company 1 as well. Crafty was a little disappointed to be kept in Level 6, but maybe they will move her up. I'm hoping the director will decide that with her summer workshops she is really ready for something a bit more difficult.

Princess, of course, continues to dance in all the top companies. I can't believe she only has a couple of years left to be a student at the studio! After that she will have to either dance at college or become a dance teacher. The kids are just all growing up so fast.

Prima Donna is auditioning for the high school musical this week too. Next week Scout and Curly start Flag Football, and a couple of weeks after that I have to get my scout troop back up and running. And you wonder why we always have a million things going on... sweetie says it's because I'm a masochist.

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