
Sep 3, 2013

Labor Day

My sweetie is under the delusion that Labor Day means we actually need to labor! So we all got up this morning and headed for the backyard. We had quite a task to accomplish, but with the help of many hands we managed to clean up all the last of the apricots plus the broken branches. We weeded our huge sandpile, cleaned up the side yard, Drama Queen did the patio, Sport mowed the lawn, and we cleared most of the weeds from the rest of the yard.

It would have been a huge task for one person, but for the bunch of us it took about 3 hours. After we got cleaned up we chowed down on pizza, then sent everyone for a quick shower (not all at the same time, of course!). By 2:30 we were loaded in the van and driving downtown. I have really been wanting to visit the Church History Museum so we could see the Norman Rockwell collection and the new scouting exhibit. I was not disappointed! The Rockwells were amazing!

When we finished with the museum we walked through temple square and over to City Creek. The kids had been dying to show the Drama Queen the Disney store. After a good 20 minutes there we headed to Deseret Book for some orange rolls. Another walk back through temple square took us to our van.

We devoured the orange rolls on our way to Liberty Park. Thankfully we remembered to pack a cooler of drinks! At the park the kids took off for the fountains. They have this really cool set of little streams (gutters, really) that are set up like the canyons in our valley, and they all lead to the Great Salt Lake which is about a foot or so deep and just right for wading.

After a hour of that we walked over to the splash pad. My sweetie and Sport stopped to play some Bocce on their real courts (?). About 7:00 we all climbed back in the van for the drive home. Drama Queen was anxious to get back to Nephi since she still had some lesson planning to do for tomorrow. We were fine with it since the little ones had homework anyway.

I love the idea of working hard together and then playing hard together! And just so you know, we watched Newsies yesterday...we couldn't break that Labor Day tradition.


  1. Sometimes I wish I was part of your family, it sounds like this would've been one of those awesome days! Even with the yard work it sounds like y'all had a great day together!

  2. What a great bunch of labor day activities. I really like the tradition of watching newsies . . . we may just have to adopt that one ourselves.

  3. Yes, that was a hugs example of working hard and then having fun afterwards. I loved this one and the pictures.
    I feel really lame that I haven't been to the church history museum. I must put that down for an adventure one of these days.
